Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Thing10,11 & 12:Twitter and LinkedIn

Okay I have set up accounts with Twitter and LinkedIn.
The problem is I can't get back into LinkedIn as I can't remember my password.
You see the THING is, in my haste I didn't write anything down (well I'm not supposed to am I )
I have remembered my Twitter one no problem  it's just LinkedIn and yes I have clicked on the forgotten your password link on more than one occasion.
The THING is everything needs a password doesn't it and you don't want to use the same one  for everything do you. Anyway when I submit my email address for varification they tell me it is already being used by someone else (Yes ME!!) and  when I do a name search for myself well you wouldn't believe how many of me there are(all over the world)
I think from a work perspective LinkedIn looks like it is probably a good one to be a member of.
I am (if I can recall correctly) following The British library, The Library of congress, City Uni library,  At your library and seussisms on Twitter.

On to the next THING